Farmers to be trained on application of agro-chemicals

By Judith Akolo

Farmers in 10 counties would be trained on proper application of agro-chemicals in efforts to boost production.

The one-year training programme to be offered by Agrochemical Association of Kenya and the Kenya Markets Trust also targets on enhancing food safety.

A shortage of agricultural extension service personnel has gripped the country.

This together with limited capacity for personnel needed in agricultural laboratories is a major hurdle towards ensuring quality control in the agricultural sector.

The government has now embarked on contracting these services in a bid to bridge the yawning gap in the provision for the much needed services.

The Kenya Markets Trust and The Agrochemical Association of Kenya have embarked on a program that will see agro-chemical dealers double up in providing much needed agricultural information services to farmers.

Farmers have also been asked to maintain high standards during production to ensure food safety.

Agriculture is a devolved function and contributes currently 25 percent to the gross domestic product.