KTN Journalist arraigned in court over theft of colleague Joy Doreen Biira car
By Halligan Agade
A journalist working with with the Standard Media Group has been arraigned at Milimani law courts and charged with the theft of a motor vehicle belonging to his colleague Joy Doreen Biira.
Aaron Ochieng is alleged to have stolen the car valued at 2.8 million shillings last month.
It was a case of a news gatherer turning into a news maker when the Standard Media Group editor arrived in court over charges of handling stolen property.
Aaron Ochieng’ was allegedly found with Joy Doreen Biira’s Mercedes E-220 in Kisumu which had been stolen from the media house parking bay in December 2016.
The car was found in Kisumu with its license plates changed. Ochien’g would later be arrested alongside two guards who were on duty on that night and investigations continued.
Joy Doreen Biira, a KTN business journalist, said she parked her car at the Standard Group Headquarters, Mombasa road, in Nairobi at the time it was stolen.

At around 8pm, she realized her car keys were missing from her desk, prompting her to check whether the vehicle was still at the parking area and her fears were confirmed.
Ochieng who appeared before Senior Principal Magistrate Joyce Gandani was however released, on a bond of a million shillings or a cash bail of 300,000 shillings as the magistrate directed the complainants to supply Ochieng’s advocate Ken Bosire with witness statements or any other relevant documents.
The case is scheduled for hearing on the 3rd of February 2017.
Separately eight Aliens of Somali origin were arraigned in a Garissa court for being in the country illegally.
The eight who included two adults,a women and man were arrested on 1st of January at Kabobey en-route to Nairobi via Garissa town.
Also arrested were five children aged between 12 and 17.