Kenya set to host global conference on development

By Nicholas Nduati

Kenya is set to host the four-day Second High Level Global Meeting on Development next week and various stakeholders are coming up with their agenda.

The global civil society partnership will among others be pushing for a review of efforts taken by governments around the world to bring inclusion of the population in development agendas during the conference.

The civil society among others wants the government to implement the 2013 which they say is key in bringing the participation of the civil society in development as well as a review of certain provisions in the proposed Film Classification Bill.

To achieve this, the civil society in the country wants the government to among others implement the Public Benefit Organizations Act 2013 which they claim is overdue.

Though much has been achieved since the previous First High Level Global Meeting in Mexico two years ago, in terms of social amenities provision such as more schools and hospitals, the civil society will be evaluating their impact in a bid to bring about more social inclusion.

Other matters to be fronted include how donor aid is being used for development in addition to reviewing their accountability too.