IEBC to issue new timelines for August 2017 polls

By Margaret Kalekye

Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has announced that it will be issuing new timelines for August 2017 General Election in due course.

The electoral body in a statement assured that it will be reviewing its timelines in efforts to meet strict deadlines set by the new elections act which came into force on 4th October, 2016.

“Although the Election Laws (Amendment) Act, 2016, which came into force on 4th October, 2016, will require some adjustments to the schedule of activities, the Commission has not released new timelines for August 2017 General Election” read a statement the IEBC communication manager Andrew Limo.

He added “This is still work in progress and we should be able to formally release a revised election road map in due course”.

The commission is currently holding consultative meetings on the new law.

“Consultative meetings with key stakeholders on the new law will continue in order to ensure that everyone is on board as we move forward” state Limo.

IEBC has maintained that the new laws provide tight deadlines that would impact almost all their election plans.

Read more: Uhuru appoints members of IEBC Selection Panel

On Tuesday President Uhuru Kenyatta appointed nine nominees to the IEBC selection panel.

This was in line with The Election Laws (Amendment) Act, 2016 and the receipt of the requisite notices of resignation from the IEBC Chairperson, Ahmed Issack Hassan, and eight (8) other commissioners.

The panelists include the National Council of the Churches of Kenya secretary general, the Rev Peter Karanja, Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims chairman Abdulghafur El-Busaidy and former PS Bernadette Musundi, representing the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Citam presiding Bishop David Oginde was also appointed, to represent the Evangelical Alliance of Kenya, while Rajesh Rawal has been named by the Hindu Council of Kenya. Other panelists include lawyer Evans Monari and Mary Kigen for Jubilee, and Rtd Justice Tom Mbaluto and Olga Karani for Cord.

The team is expected to begin its work immediately it takes the oath of office early next week.
