Relative calm returns to Narok following clashes

By Agnes Mwangangi

Relative calm has returned to the troubled Olpusimoru area of Narok County, a day after interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Nkaissery imposed a curfew to contain the violence that erupted on Christmas eve pitting two communities.

However, women and children from Olengape village continued fleeing the area for fear of fresh attacks as security patrols in the area intensified, with only a handful of businesses opening up at the busy Olpusimoru trading center.

Narok County Commissioner Magu Mutindika who is coordinating security patrols in the troubled area, confirmed that two persons were killed during the violence while 22 others are admitted in various hospitals in the County following injuries sustained during the skirmishes.

He further disclosed that detectives were closing in on a prime suspect believed to be behind the violence and who is said to be heading a militia group operating from East Mau forest in the Mau complex.

The Commissioner said the government has deployed a contingent of security officers including GSU, Administration police, regular police and forest rangers to ensure that the curfew is enforced until peace was fully restored in the area.

Meanwhile, security officers in Isiolo have shot dead a suspected cattle rustler and recovered an Ak47 riffle with two bullets.

The bandits believed to be from neighbouring Samburu East Sub County were in a group of 12 when security men shot dead one suspect yesterday after a fierce exchange of fire for three hours.

Area County Commissioner George Natembeya said that 150 cattle which were stolen from Isiolo herders were recovered in Shaba area within the county on Sunday.

He said security officers together with rangers were tracking down the suspects who had escaped with the animals when they came into contact with them in Shaba area where the gun battle ensued.

Natembeya urged individuals who could be hiding and treating any wounded rustlers at home to report them to authorities before they are confronted by the government security agencies.

The county commissioner commended the recovery of the stolen animals and issued a stern warning to anyone carrying illegal firearms that they would be arrested and prosecuted.