Suspects caught with Shs.10 million vandalism haul


The Police in conjunction with Kenya Power security officials have arrested fifteen suspects at Kabati area, Murang’a County, in connection with vandalised electrical equipment valued at over Shs.10 million.

Speaking at the scene, Kenya Power Security Manager, Captain (Rtd) Fredrick Ledelea, said the fifteen men were caught in possession of assorted electrical equipment including a transformer, aluminum conductors and service cables following a tip off from area residents.

Captain Ledelea said the suspects were taken to Makuyu Police Station where the incident was booked and will be arraigned at Kigumo Law Courts in Muranga County Thursday.

He said the Company has successfully worked with the Police and other security agencies in a bid to fight the vandalism menace.

“We have managed to contain the problem to a large extent as shown by falling vandalism cases from an average of 100 transformer vandalism incidences per month two years ago to a low of 17 per month,” he said.

Captain Ledelea said the government-led“NyumbaKumi” initiative has greatly contributed to the anti-vandalism campaign by helping to weed out vandals from hotspot communities.