UoN ranked position 8 in Africa
By Beth Nyaga
The University of Nairobi (UoN) has been ranked position 8 in Africa and 775 in the world in the just released edition of Webometrics Ranking, January 2017.
Once again, UoN has maintained the top position among East African and Kenyan universities.
According to the results published on the Ranking Web of Universities website, the University of Nairobi was ranked position 11 worldwide in the presence parameter.
Presence is the number of pages of the main web domain of the institution. On the visibility parameter which is the number of external networks originating backlinks to the institutions web pages, UoN is position 785.
The transparency or openness parameter which reflects the number of citations from top authors according to the source, the University was ranked number 910. In the excellence or scholar parameter which reflects the number of papers amongst the top 10% most cited in 26 disciplines, UoN recorded a significant improvement to position 1513.
The ranking covered more than 24,000 Higher Education Institutions worldwide.
In Kenya, Moi University and Egerton University took position two and three respectively after recording an improvement in their overall web ranking.
Makerere University has been ranked position two in the East Africa region.
Harvard University took first position in the world ranking, while South Africa’s University of Cape Town leads the ranking in Africa.
The Webometrics Ranking is the largest academic ranking of Higher Education Institutions and is aimed at promoting academic web presence and supporting the Open Access initiatives for increasing significantly the transfer of scientific and cultural knowledge generated by the university to the whole society.