Opposition unveils committee to pursue NASA formation

By Rufus Hunja

The Opposition has unveiled an 11 member coordination committee that will pursue the formation of the National Super Alliance NASA.

CORD co-principals Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka and Moses Wetangula as well as Amani party leader Musalia Mudavadi have recruited among others Siaya Senator James Orengo, Machakos Senator Johnston Muthama, his Kakamega counterpart Dr. Bonnie Khalwale, National Assembly Minority leader Francis Nyenze, nominated Senator Agnes Zani, as well as former Minister Kipruto Arap Kirwa as members of the team.

The team which starts work immediately is also expected to audit the electoral system and the capacity of the Independent electoral and boundaries commission to carry out a free and fair election in August 2017.

Meanwhile, Bomet Governor Isaac Ruto is set to host the first National Super Alliance  public rally on February 4th as the opposition alliance takes shape.



More to follow..

